The Basics
Hi, I'm Chris Sutton. I'm a software product manager and business strategist. I specialize in product optimization using a blend of customer analytics and customer psychology.
By day I'm working with the fine folks at CustomInk, where I'm helping them explore and develop new business lines.
I'm available for project-based consulting engagements. Whether you're a startup looking at your first product or a mature business looking to optimize, I can probably help. Learn more about what I offer, or just get in touch.
What Else
I enjoy teaching others, which lately has meant some public speaking. I'm presenting on the psychology of design at the upcoming Webvisions PDX, and spoke about the power of empathy in a well-received lightning talk at Ignite DC.
Founded ProductCamp CLT, the Charlotte chapter of a global conference series for Product Managers and Product Marketers.
Member of the Code for Charlotte Brigade, the volunteer organization that supports Code for America.
Find me online
You can find me on Twitter, where I won't always be behaving, or on LinkedIn, where I probably will be.